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Remote MonitoringManagement that will keep you up and going

The health of your computer is important! With IRON BYTES SHIELD, you receive....

Exceptional full system monitoring to prevent problems


Efficient remote servicing


Secure Anti-Virus


  • Tracking Critical System Details 
  • Computer Performance

  • Hardware Health

  • Data Exchange Rates (system, mail)

  • System logs

  • Windows and Mac Services

  • etc.

SHIELD not only tracks these vital system details, but also automatically notifies our team when abnormal conditions are detected.  We can then troubleshoot these alerts before they affect you, thus saving you both precious time and frustration.   

  • Automated Updates
  • Critical updates affecting computer performance, interoperability functions, application functionality, etc.

  • Security updates fixing vulnerabilities defined by the operating system manufactures

  • Operating system updates for Windows and Mac

  • General application updates as needed

SHIELD also enables our team to schedule automated updates for all computers on your network.  An updated computer means a safe computer.​

  • Maintenance Features & Disk Management
  • Creation of system restore points

  • Disk clean up and deletion of temporary files

  • Disk defragments

  • Scans for disk errors

Scheduled automated maintenance can be remotely conducted on your computers through SHIELDSHIELD's automated maintenance capabilities ensures that your computer is healthy and running smoothly at all times.

  • Remote-Access

Through the SHIELD software, remote access allows our team to perform much of the troubleshooting process online.  Intrusive site visits can instead be performed from any one of our Iron Bytes computers in our office.  

  • Online Backup

In the case of a data loss, online backups are offered to keep your important documents safe.  If you experience a data loss, or a computer failure, SHIELD can facilitate a quick and simple recovery of your system.

  • Monitored Anti-Virus

With no additional charge, SHIELD includes WebRoot Anti-Virus.  Keep your computer and network safe from malicious applications trying to get at your important data and files.

Read about Webroot Anti-Virus 


SHIELD is already serving several businesses around the Southwest Michigan area.


Contact Us

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If you are interested in installing IRON BYTES SHIELD on your network fill out this small form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

Feel free to leave any questions you may still have about our services, or call 888.488.IRON

Documents containing SHIELD's service agreement, and pricing information can be found at the bottom of this page

SHIELD Service Agreement

Pricing Information

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